Best Data for Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition is a kind of recruitment, aimed specifically at attracting inbound candidates. HR data helps employers build compelling employer brands to acquire people with the right skills.
Our Data Partners
703M employee records
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Employee Data offers 703M+ professional resumes worldwide. Sourced from the largest professional network and updated daily with 5 years of historical data. W...
800M Profiles
249 countries covered
Neuron360-Profiles delivers actionable, AI-generated talent data giving companies the best-in-class access to structured talent data. Linked company data ...
704M employee records
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Employee Data offers 703M+ professional resumes worldwide. Sourced from the largest professional network, and updated daily with 5 years of historical data. ...
703M employee records
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Boost your data-driven recruitment, lead generation, and data enrichment efforts with Coresignal’s Employee Data collected from the largest professional netw...
1.04B records
249 countries covered
80 months of historical data
Access publicly available Community and Repository Software Data on projects by experienced developers and data analysts. Learn about experienced developers,... - Coresignal profile banner
Based in USA
With our offering of 710M+ professional profiles and 106M+ company records, businesses are guaranteed to find the right data and reach their goals. Moreover,...
Data Sources
Records Updated Monthly
Employee Profiles - Rhetorik profile banner
Based in United Kingdom
Supercharge your business with our unmatched global coverage. No other B2B data provider in the industry offers qualified contacts, professional profiles, an...