Best Data for Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is when you assign B2B and B2C leads with scores. They're generated by assessing their likelihood to purchase, estimate ticket size, and whether they're your ICP.
Our Data Partners
97% confidence rate
17 countries covered
Capture any source of lead data and get more data points with the minimum effort and highest quality. Add your notes and questions to personalize and qual...
1K contacts onwards (increments of 1,000 contacts)
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam traps
249 countries covered
A single platform to cover everything at top of funnel. Find and reach prospects with a verified global contact database, marketing automation, and an email ...
2.1B records
100% Legal Customs Data
18 countries covered
ImportGenius provides shipment records, leads, and International Trade Data for imports and exports that pass through every port in the United States, Russia...
72M Unique Contact Records
99% Current Job Title Fill Rate
USA covered
Our data is multi-sourced, standardized, de-duped, verified and curated...Resulting in a highly accurate database of 72M+ U.S. B2B Contacts, featuring valida...
100B Data Points
249 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Slintel enables revenue teams to close more pipeline by identifying their active buying accounts.
99% Accuracy Rate
11 countries covered
Want to connect with the industry’s top most information technology professionals? Our Technology Email List is an accurate and reliable database which ... - Implisense profile banner
Based in Germany
Implisense offers an award-winning solution for Sales Automation. It is based on a company index, which holds data points for several million companies. By u...
> 2,5 Mio.
> 50 Mio.
Data Points
99,99 %
Uptime - APAC Leads profile banner
APAC Leads
Based in Singapore
APAC Leads
APAC Leads is a lead generation company specializing in end to end marketing solutions and lead generation exclusively focusing on the Asia Pacific region. - ebCard profile banner
Based in Canada
ebCard is a data provider offering B2B Leads Data, Company Data, B2B Contact Data, B2B Marketing Data, and B2B Email Data. They are headquartered in Canada. - Leadbook profile banner
Based in Singapore
Leadbook is a database and data service provider backed by proprietary A.I. powered data technology and a global database of 200 million verified business co...
verified contacts
verified organisations
countries - ImportGenius profile banner
Based in USA
ImportGenius has complete import/export data for 18 countries including countries and territories from North America, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. Explor...
Total Countries Covered
2 Billion
Shipment Manifest Records
18 Million
Businesses Covered - Oxylabs profile banner
Based in Lithuania
Oxylabs is a web intelligence collection platform and premium proxy provider, enabling companies of all sizes to utilize the power of big data.
102M+ IPs
Around the globe
Fully tailored datasets
Legal compliance