Best Data for Customer Acquisition

Find the best data sources for Customer Acquisition. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
50M Records
90% Match Rate
USA covered
Dive into the fast lane with in-market automotive shoppers! Get ahead of the curve, tailor your strategies, and drive sales with precision targeting. Perfect...
2.3B Email Addresses
100% Opt In Emails
USA covered
The Alesco Email Database is compiled from over 10 million website publishers from a wide range of categories including e-commerce, entertainment & lifestyle...
Italy covered
Ecommerce Customer Data - Fashion IndustryEcommerce Customer Data - Fashion IndustryEcommerce Customer Data - Fashion IndustryEcommerce Customer Data - Fashi...
69 countries covered
We are a trusted B2B data solutions partner to Fortune 1000 companies, growing enterprises and start-ups globally. Our comprehensive B2B data solutions help ...
250M Verified People
100% Opt-In
USA covered
Consumer audience data that's accurate, timely, and complete. Our consumer audience database is deterministic and allows us to pinpoint each person's identit...
250M Records
90% Match Rate
USA covered
When top performing auto marketers are looking to reach new customers, they count on The Data Group for the most updated, accurate and detailed vehicle infor... - Stirista profile banner
Based in USA
Stirista features a wide variety of audience types including Geolocation (Visitor Data), B2B, Consumer, Purchase-based, Online Activity, Intent, B2B Technolo...
Data Updated in Real-Time
60 Million
B2B Professionals - Collective Data Solutions profile banner
Collective Data Solutions
Based in USA
Collective Data Solutions
The Collective is an independent mobile data marketplace. Our privacy-first data is anonymized and aggregated to activate and expand collaborative audience d...
10 Billion
Global Devices
3 Billion
Monthly Active Users
Global Footprint - InfoTrie profile banner
Based in Singapore
InfoTrie: Global Data Intelligence Leader since 2012. Unleash insights from unstructured data. Alternative datasets on E-commerce, SEC Filings, B2B Data, Se...
Asset Classes
Active Users - Thomson Data profile banner
Thomson Data
Based in USA
Thomson Data
Thomson Data provides highly responsive Marketing data intelligence solutions that can be custom-built to your specifications, enabling you to reach the righ...
Customer Retention
70 Million
B2B Contacts
EPIC Translations
Based in USA
EPIC Translations
We have over 1 million human resources located throughout the world ready for your projects.
Boston Analytics
Based in USA
Boston Analytics
TMT industry is granularly segmented into 65 segments (for example, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, etc.). 102,000 companies are mapped to the 65 seg...

Frequently Asked Questions about Customer Acquisition

Learn everything about Customer Acquisition. Understand data sources, popular use cases, and data quality.

What is Customer Acquisition?

The sales cycle is the process of acquiring, converting, and retaining customers. It typically begins with customer acquisition. This is where a company identifies potential customers and seeks to engage with them. This may involve a variety of tactics, such as advertising, lead generation, and networking. Once a potential customer is identified, the company will work to convert them into an actual customer. This nurturing process involves by presenting them with a product or service and persuading them to purchase. After a sale, the company then focuses on customer retention. Here, they’ll use tactics such as customer service and loyalty programs to keep the customer coming back for more. The goal of the sales cycle is to create a continuous stream of revenue from a growing base of satisfied customers.

How can a data-driven approach improve Customer Acquisition and Retention?

A data-driven approach to customer acquisition and retention can improve a company’s sales efforts. It providing insights into customer behavior and preferences. Analyzing data on customer demographics, purchasing habits, and feedback is step one. From there, a company can develop targeted marketing campaigns. and personalized experiences that are more likely to resonate with potential customers. This can help a company to more effectively reach and engage with its target audience, leading to a higher rate of customer acquisition. Additionally, a data-driven approach helps companies understand what drives customer satisfaction and loyalty. This way, sales teams can develop retention strategies tailored to individual customers. Personalized strategies are more likely to keep customers coming back for more. Overall, a data-driven approach can help a company to improve its sales cycle. Data provides a deeper understanding of its customers. This enables teams to develop more effective and personalized sales strategies.