Best Data for Attribution Analysis

Attribution analysis investigates how actions taken in the marketing and sales processes contribute to the success of those efforts. Companies often use data like location signals to link their online marketing input to the relevant results in the real world.
Our Data Partners
900 Million Devices
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Quadrant (An Appen Company) is a global leader in mobile location data, POI data, and corresponding compliance services. Our location data is gathered from a...
140K Share classes
58 countries covered
25 years of historical data
EPFR Fund Flows and Allocations data helps financial professionals understand where money is moving, how fund managers are investing that money, and what imp...
900 Million Devices
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Quadrant (An Appen Company) is a global leader in mobile location data, POI data, and corresponding compliance services. Our location data is gathered from a...
500M records
USA covered
This can include a wide array of data types, such as website visit history, search queries, and social media activity (all cookieless). Web Acitivty Data, W...
900 Million Devices
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Quadrant (An Appen Company) is a global leader in mobile location data, POI data, and corresponding compliance services. Our location data is gathered from a...
677M Monthly Active Users
USA covered
2 years of historical data
Quadrant (An Appen Company) is a global leader in mobile location data, POI data, and corresponding compliance services. Our CCPA-compliant location data is ... - EPFR Global profile banner
EPFR Global
Based in USA
EPFR Global
EPFR’s Flows and Allocations data provides a unique view on investor and fund manager sentiment across global markets, helping buy and sell-side institutions...
25 years
Data sourced direct from
$50 Tr
Tracked AUM - Quadrant profile banner
Based in Singapore
Our high-quality mobile location data power companies' products, solutions, and services. Our granular datasets (sourced from SDKs) allow organizations to ge...
Coverage in over 200 Countries
Billion Events / Month
Compliant - Exchange Data International profile banner
Exchange Data International
Based in United Kingdom
Exchange Data International
With EDI you get high quality, affordable financial data customized to precisely fit your operational requirements.
1.5 m
Securities - Gambit profile banner
Based in USA
Combining proprietary data from a myriad of sources with machine learning algorithms, our knowledge engine drives growth for our clients. Whether enhancing e... - Sustainable Platform profile banner
Sustainable Platform
Based in Australia
Sustainable Platform
Sustainable Platform is setting the standard in sustainable investing by pioneering SDG integration into portfolio assessments. With over 30k company listing...
Unique global companies
Products and services
Company listings - DrivenIQ profile banner
Based in USA
DrivenIQ specializes in custom micro-audience data. We find your ideal customers, wherever they are and whatever they’re doing, so you can deliver messaging ...
Customer records
U.S. Households
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Frequently Asked Questions about Attribution Analysis

Learn everything about Attribution Analysis. Understand data sources, popular use cases, and data quality.

What is attribution analysis?

Attribution analysis refers to the act of comparing marketing and sales results to the actions and effort that is put in. Often done via a data-driven software, it uses insights from multiple data types like location data to create reliable links between online campaigns and their actual real life output.

Why should you conduct an attribution analysis?

Done correctly, attribution analytics give companies reliable insights to which of their marketing and sales efforts are baring the most fruit. Such knowledge enables more optimised marketing spends, more accurate personalisation as well as improvements in product development.